Meeting with students is an important part of recruitment. Employer Engagement has options available to connect representatives with student majors they seek to hire for their talent pipeline in a variety of locations. Campus visit reservations scheduled through WMU Career and Student Employment Services are for the purpose of hiring and promoting career opportunities to students.
WMU Commitment to Employers: Employer Engagement will reserve a campus location and cover the parking fees for two representatives. Our team assists to promote campus visits on Handshake and markets them to college departments and applicable student majors at WMU.
Job Fairs and Specialty Events:
View the Recruiting Calendar for upcoming job fair and event information.
Locate Student Organizations at WMU:
Employers can directly connect with WMU Student Organizations to inquire about how to engage with student members.
Questions? Contact Employer Engagement for guidance about recruitment and engagement at (269) 387-2745 or
WMU Career and Student Employment Services No-Cost Campus Visit Options: Information Table Spotlight: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (unless otherwise agreed upon)
Career Chat Kiosk (Outdoor Engagement): 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (unless otherwise agreed upon)
On-Campus Interviewing
Employer Lobby Showcase
Showcases have multiple tables staffed by company representatives that highlight available job opportunities/career paths and what products/services they offer.
Employers may use two to five tables and bring company tablecloths/banner signs, and approved equipment, machinery, technology, TV's, etc.
Showcases may be held at the WMU College of Engineering and Applied Sciences or the WMU Student Center.